Where are those old day?
The old days when you were a small child, and you used to fell asleep just as soon as the head hits the pillow? And that was awesome sleep because during those days, sleep was a sound sleep and you slept soundly through the night until morning. Like the song of Michael Learns to Rock:- Sleeping child or the sleep of those days is called "the sleep of the innocent". It has now become so difficult to sleep like those days, forget sleeping we just keep tossing turning on bed and just anxiety in our eyes and beautiful sleep nowhere to be found. How we wish we could sleep like that again?
Causes of Sleep Disorders:
• Adult responsibilities
• Stress and other worries
• Poor sleep habits like the tossing and turning, it is hard to return to a good night sleep.
Usage of Sleeping pills:
These days' lots of adults use prescription drugs to help them fall asleep, some are smart to practice "self medicate" that is alcohol and while others over-the-counter sleeping pills all in vain though trying to fall asleep. This may or may not be effective for short term but in long term harmful side effects and then more over more problems add on to cause more sleepless nights.
Struggling to sleep: If you are regularly struggling to have a proper sleep then you probably just need to learn how to fall asleep again!
Lets go back to basics!
Introducing the trainer none other the acclaimed and most revered and who better to consult than babies! After all, the babies are experts at sleeping (this is what they do best, do not your agree hundred percent?) So lets take some tips, guidelines and why not learn a little from them? What is that other then their age and natural body clock, that makes them such beautiful sleeping beauties?
The lessons begin:
• Routine - Babies sleep on their routine, reason is parents try very hard to get their children into an everyday routine of regular mealtimes, bedtimes, and bath times. So forming a routine is something to work towards.
Basically the reason of following routine could be so explained that child on a regular routine feels comfortable and is better able to "predict" what will happen next. The routine helps his body clock to begin the process of winding down, some short while ago before he actually gets to bed. Because babies mind knows that after supper comes his bath, then a bed-time story, and with a good night kiss. So as soon as his head hits the pillow, the dreams are awaiting.
Similarly you try and follow this example: Like start a night time routine for you. Make your evenings fairly predictable, on the lines of eating supper, taking a bath, and going to bed with a good night kiss. Follow this routine for three weeks or so by getting into bed at same time every night. Wear flannel pajamas intended for sleeping, wear comfortable nightwear.
• Exercise - Kids play all day and night, when an infant they used to move their limbs so much that by night they are ready for such a sweet sleep. Kids do not stop running around for a minute! How active they are! Well this does not mean you are not active or I am not suggesting that you run around wherever you go. What you can do is do regular physical exercise. This is one of the most effective way that aids sleep. And not only for sleep, exercising is good for health and has several good side effects. All you need to do is take up some sport, regularly go to the gym, or just take regular night walks. You wont regret it!
• Have peaceful evenings - Heard your parents saying "Calm down now, it is almost time for bed"? Or "You would better stop running around or you wont be able to fall asleep!"? This advice still works people. Those oldies are not wrong and their old is gold advice is so very true even in this century. Like your parents you also may be saying this to your children, but then why are you not following this very important advice? What do you do? You watch soccer, wrestling matches, horrible news, or thriller movies. Some are step ahead, they even bring work home and in their bedroom and may be on to their bed. Well, please follow that advice, do not bring work at home and if that do not do it in your bed room or in bed. And do not sleep watching the idiot box. Try to have a relaxing peaceful evening. Use aromatherapy especially lavender for it is wonderful soporific properties, aromatic candles and dim lights, slip into hot bath, get some massage and have a glass of warm milk before sleeping. All this will give you mind the cue and message that it is time to sleep. All these tips ate simple and some essential and easy way to put you in state of comfortable sleeping rather then tossing and turning on bed. The simple change of lifestyle and night time habit will reduce or even eliminate the severity of their sleeping disorders, usage of sleeping pills and their health shall also benefit. All you need to do is give all this lessons by kids a try. Maybe like them you will sleep too!
Good night and Sweet dreams
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